Legal services
Mercantile Law
- Company Incorporation
- Legal Restructuring for Companies
- Merger and Liquidation of Companies
- Incorporation of “Joint-Venture Agreements”
- Incorporation of “Management Agreements”
- Representation, Distribution, Franchise, and Agency Contracts
- Due Diligence
- Trusts
- Incorporation of Companies in Central America, Panama, and the United States
- Obtaining Authorization to Perform Trade Acts in Honduras for foreign companies
Administrative Area
- Administrative Claims
- Tax Exemption
- Tax Refunds
- Tax related processing
- Customs Franchises
- Applications for Central, Public and Municipal Administration,
- Registration Processes
- Obtaining Permits and/or Licenses
- Environmental and Sanitary
- Call Center
- Telecommunications
- Air Transportation
- Land Transportation
- Maritime Transportation
Notary Services
- Bank Escrow
- Drafting of Deeds and Contracts
- Non-Contentious Matters
- Authentications
- Incorporation of Mercantile Companies
- Notarial Acts
- Sales Contracts
- Loan Contracts with warranties
- Mergers and Legal Restructuring for Companies
- Authorization and Registration of Condominium Projects under “Regimen de Propiedad Horizontal”
- International Loan Agreements
- Increases in capital and Certification of Board Minutes
Labor Law
- Labor Regulations
- Drafting and Review of Contracts
- Disciplinary Processes and Labor Disputes
- Legal Representation
- Civil claims
- Commercial
- Penal
- Labor
- Arbitration
- Contentious
- Administrative and Tax related
Intellectual Property
- Trademark and Trade Name Registration
- Copyright and Related Rights
- Patent Registrations
- Registration of Trademark Sales, Patents, Licensing, and other Intellectual Property Acts.